Online Enquiry Form

Our online enquiry form is the ideal way of making your booking enquiry. The form below includes all the information we need to respond to you as quickly and efficiently as possible with our availability, full service details and accurate pricing information.

If you would rather contact us via email or social media, you can find our details on our Contact Details page.

Please complete the form below with as much information as possible and click Submit. We will reply as soon as possible. Thank you.

Please enter all information marked with a *
Your Details
(Please note that we respond to enquiries via email if possible)
First Name  *   :
Last Name  *   :
Email Address  *   :
Telephone   *   :
Mobile Phone   :
Where You Heard Of Us  :
Event Details
(Not applicable for PAT testing enquiries)
Type Of Occasion *   :
Approx Guests *   :
Venue Details
(Not applicable for PAT testing enquiries)
Venue Name   *   :
Venue Address   *   :
Venue Telephone   :
DIY Karaoke Hire Section
(Not applicable for PAT testing enquiries)
Service Required   *   :
Start Date   *   :
Start Time   *   :  
End Date   *   :
End Time   *   :  
Max Overall Budget  :
PAT Testing Enquiry Section
(Not applicable for DIY Karaoke Hire enquiries)
Date Required By   *   :
PAT Test Address   *   :
Approx Items Count   *   :
Best Days/Times   *   :
Any Additional Information You Wish To Provide
Additional Information   :
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
If you are under 16 years of age, please ask a parent or guardian to complete this form for you.
I am over 16 years of age  :
Please read our Privacy Policy (click to open in new window).
I consent to your Privacy Policy  :
Enter the Captcha
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